Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Eve

I've caught it. I feel it running through my veins and circulating in my brain. I've been sick for a while now, but it hasn't hit me until tonight. It happened to me overnight sometime. 
I grew up. 
It's Christmas Eve and I don't feel the giddy feeling of Christmas morning approaching. I should've know it had been happening, I wasn't even excited for my Birthday this year. 
Growing up has left holes in my soul that presents just won't fill anymore.
Tonight is just another night.
Tomorrow morning will be just another morning.

Friday, December 12, 2014

There's a Sink Hole in Me

There's a sink hole in me. It twists and turns, takes all that I feel. Sinks deeper and deeper before I can heal. The lights in my eyes have started to dim. The bright sun is setting and the nighttime is grim. My center is shaking and quaking ready to lapse, but it slows and it stops and it lifts and retracts. 
There's a sink hole in me

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Darkening Lights and Pizza Pie Nights

I once lived a life of adventure where the wind was always at my side. It would sail my ship sail through dangerous waters and it was always at my back. Now it must go. The wind is leaving my hair to go blow through the leaves of a tree somewhere else and help the land grow. So for now I must learn to live a life without the wind being my guide. It will return one day to fill my sails again. But that is a different adventure for another season.